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Free Education Program in the East Java Road

Wednesday , Posted by CendekiaCenter at 10:34 AM

Free Education Program in the East Java Road
Tuesday, 4 August 2009 | 21:54 WIB
Reports journalist KOMPAS Aloysius Budi Kurniawan

SURABAYA, KOMPAS.com - Until early August 2009, a pilot education program in Kabupaten Sampang free and also Bondowoso not materialize. Budget allocation for the two regions into which the pilot project, free education is not liquid. In fact, free education is one of the program are paired Soekarwo and Saifullah Yusuf digembar who always rant at the beginning of their government.

Tersendatnya the implementation of free education program mengemuka in the report of Commission E East Java Legislative changes to the discussion of the East Java Provincial Budgets, Tuesday (4 / 8) in the East Java Legislative Building, Jalan Indrapura, Surabaya.

"Related to the program 100 days in the governor's education through a memorandum of understanding set (MoU) with the district / city, to this day has not been realized," said the spokesperson for the Commission E East Java DPRD Fadholi M Ruham.
According Fadholi, free education pilot program in Kabupaten Sampang Bondowoso and get the budget allocation of Rp 6 billion. However, these funds have not been to this liquid.

Chairman of Commission E East Java DPRD Mukadar said Saleh Ismail, free education pilot program was submitted Soekarwo pair-Saifullah Yusuf (Karsa) in their 100-day program. However, up to six months after they were appointed, the program also has not been done.

Budget program budget precede changes in East Java province. Should the allocation of funds of Rp 6 billion comes from the School Operational Assistance (BOS) area. "But, the realization of clarity BOS own Region is also still in," he said.

BOS area in East Java to get the funding allocation of Rp 75 billion. Commission E DPRD Jatim rate of utilization of these funds to date has not been clear.
Slogan removed

In a report on the plenary meeting, the Commission E East Java DPRD Pemprov Jatim also ask the governor and the slogan free education. The slogan is considered misleading, fool people and make educational institutions can not afford to optimize the participation of the community in meni ngkatkan quality education.

In response to this, the Governor of East Java Soekarwo states, free education program is a private non. That is, only needs a public education course that will be subsidized, while private or personal needs of a fixed sisw by its own. "What is subsidized akan needs investment in education, such as laboratories, school buildings, or training. If you want to have outside parties contribute, they must ask permission prior to the head offices of education," said Soekarwo.

Related cairnya not fund a pilot program for free education, Soekarwo explains, the allocation of funds already budgeted in the 2009 budget changes. "I will check to Pak Soewanto (Head of Education Office of East Java). The remaining 20 09 education funding will be added to the funding changes in 2009 budget," he said.

However, if the decline Soekarwo free education pilot program that is part of the 100-day governor's deputy governor and fails. According to him, the preparation of the pilot project for free education in the two regions are part of the program is a 100-day governor and lieutenant governor.

Program Pendidikan Gratis Jatim Jalan di Tempat

Selasa, 4 Agustus 2009 | 21:54 WIB
Laporan wartawan KOMPAS Aloysius Budi Kurniawan

SURABAYA, KOMPAS.com - Hingga awal Agustus 2009, program percontohan pendidikan
gratis di Kabupaten Sampang dan Bondowoso belum juga terlaksana. Alokasi anggaran dua daerah yang menjadi pilot project pendidikan gratis tersebut belum cair. Padahal, pendidikan gratis merupakan salah satu program andalan pasangan Soekarwo dan Saifullah Yusuf yang selalu digembar-gemborkan mereka di awal pemerintahan.

Tersendatnya pelaksanaan program pendidikan gratis mengemuka dalam laporan Komisi E DPRD Jatim terhadap pembahasan perubahan APBD Provinsi Jatim, Selasa (4/8) di Gedung DPRD Jatim, Jalan Indrapura, Surabaya.

"Terkait program 100 hari gubernur di bidang pendidikan yang ditetapkan melalui nota kesepahaman (MoU) dengan kabupaten/kota, hingga saat ini belum terealisasi," ujar juru bicara
Komisi E DPRD Jatim Fadholi M Ruham.

Menurut Fadholi, program percontohan pendidikan gratis di Kabupaten Sampang dan Bondowoso mendapatkan alokasi anggaran sebesar Rp 6 miliar. Namun, dana tersebut hingga saat ini belum cair.

Ketua Komisi E DPRD Jatim Saleh Ismail Mukadar mengatakan, program percontohan pendidikan gratis telah disampaikan pasangan Soekarwo-Saifullah Yusuf (Karsa) dalam program 100 hari mereka. Namun, sampai dengan enam bulan setelah mereka dilantik, program belum juga terlaksana.

Anggaran program ini mendahului perubahan APBD Provinsi Jatim. Seharusnya alokasi dana sebesar Rp 6 miliar berasal dari Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) Daerah. "Tapi, kejelasan realisasi BOS Daerah sendiri juga masih dipertanyakan," ucapnya.

BOS Daerah di Jatim mendapatkan alokasi dana sebesar Rp 75 miliar. Komisi E DPRD Jatim menilai pemanfaatan dana tersebut hingga saat ini belum jelas.
Slogan dihapus

Dalam laporan pada rapat Paripurna, Komisi E DPRD Jatim juga meminta Pemprov Jatim dan gubernur menghentikan slogan pendidikan gratis. Slogan tersebut dinilai menyesatkan,
membodohi masyarakat dan membuat lembaga-lembaga pendidikan tak mampu mengoptimalkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam meni ngkatkan kualitas pendidikan.

Menanggapi hal ini, Gubernur Jawa Timur Soekarwo menyatakan, program pendidikan gratis bersifat non privat. Artinya, hanya kebutuhan pendidikan publik saja yang akan disubsidi,
sedangkan kebutuhan privat atau pribadi para sisw a tetap ditanggung sendiri-sendiri. "Yang akan disubsidi adalah kebutuhan investasi pendidikan, seperti laboratorium, gedung sekolah, atau pelatihan. Jika ada pihak luar ingin menyumbang, maka mereka harus minta izin dahulu pada kepala dinas pendidikan," jelas Soekarwo.

Terkait belum cairnya dana program percontohan pendidikan gratis, Soekarwo menjelaskan, alokasi dana sudah dianggarkan dalam perubahan APBD 2009. "Saya akan mengecek ke Pak Soewanto (Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Jatim). Sisa dana pendidikan 20 09 akan ditambah dengan dana perubahan APBD 2009," ujarnya.

Meski demikian, Soekarwo menampik jika program percontohan pendidikan gratis yang merupakan bagian dari program 100 hari gubernur dan wakil gubernur tersebut gagal. Menurutnya,
persiapan pilot project pendidikan gratis di dua daerah sudah merupakan bagian dari program 100 hari gubernur dan wakil gubernur.

Currently have 1 komentar:

  1. Anonymous says:

    salam kenal.. hihi lengkap amat

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